Monday, April 13, 2009

It's all in the delivery....

What a title... think about this... someone tells you really great news, pays you a compliment, offers their help; but, says it in such a way that it is delivered with a ho-hum attitude... are you going to readily respond to this person in a positive light..... no, you will receive it the same way it is delivered no matter the scope of the news.

Now think about someone coming to you and telling you the greatest news, paying you a compliment, offering their help, being kind and generous and you pick up on the sincerity of this person and feel that you are open to their words and deeds.... it's all in the way it's delivered ..... it's the delivery that we will remember.....

OK, now picture this in a negative way...someone points out your faults, your mistakes, your limitations, your inadequacies and it's delivered in such a way that you feel small and very unworthy... well, your going to feel beat down, defensive, your going to walk away feeling really bad about yourself and wondering if you can ever be as perfect as some people.

But, if you take another look and someone points out the same faults and it's delivered with tact and consideration of your feelings. If it is delivered knowing that you are doing your best, that you are trying and it's just a reminder that you need to be more aware of your faults... if it is pointed out in a way that is fair and unbiased .... this is a little easier to take then hearing it from someone that is not being considerate of your situation.

At times, I think we all feel that "our family, our job, our problems, our health, our issues" are the only thing that matters first and foremost in the world ... that we tend to see our self in a different light than what we see others ....that we may be too ready to judge others with out knowing the "whole story". Try putting yourself into some ones shoes and see what they are facing, dealing with, trying to handle in their lives and their job before you are so apt to judge someone at face value. I know for myself... I seem to get wrapped up in my own life, my children's, my family and in my own little corner at work; but, when we live and work with others we need to be more aware of others and the challenges that we all face in our daily lives.

Next time you find yourself either on the giving or the receiving end of a message... just remember.... that it's all in the delivery .....

this is a little bit off subject; but, check this out.... now we are talking delivery... .... this will make you weepy... get the Kleenex ... Susan Boyle delivered....

1 comment:

Christina M said...

Aunt Debb,
I just love the story of Susan Boyle. She is proof that when you have a gift - it doesn't matter how old or young you are - you can change your life by just using your gift. I think you have a gift in writing! Let your gift shine!! :)