Sunday, October 25, 2009

What motivates people???

Do you ever wonder what motivates people in their lives, their actions, their behavior?? Sometimes, I wonder what motivates people to make comments to one another. Why do we make comments out of meanness so much easier, than kind words of encouragement?? Why is it when someone feels really good about themselves that some people feel the need to give them a little poke and say something that is negative to bring that person down?? I sometimes don't understand the motive of these negative people... are they feeling inferior in their own life; are they so afraid that someone else may be doing a better job than they are?? are they jealous of what another person has?? or is it just heartless in actions and words??

Our world seems to be one where we look at others in terms of ourselves... are they worse off, better off, we judge their appearance, their jobs, their homes, their religions, we judge their friends, their family, even the family dog; sometimes, I find myself looking at people and making rash judgements... this is so wrong; because, they are then at liberty to judge me ... judge my physical being and my life without ever knowing my inner self.

The Internet has opened us up to sites where they photograph people and make fun of their physical self and their attire... and I hate to admit... I have looked and as I sit here and write this I am appalled at my behavior.... how would I feel if they put my photo up on this site?? would it not hurt my feelings??? would I not be embarrassed and ashamed that someone did that out of meanness??

I have been really trying in the year 2009 to distance myself from negative people; as well as, negativity in my own behavior, actions and words to others. Believe me when I say that it is not easy... every day I try to find the good in everyone and all things. I try to keep my negative thoughts of others to myself and try to talk myself out of negative thoughts toward my own life and inner being. It's hard to try not to look negative on people when that seems to be the easiest way for some people ... I use to be really bad in that behavior and ask God for forgiveness all the time. I am trying ... and some days it's a struggle and some days the negativity wins; but, I hope that overall that the positive view of life and people is winning. I am no better or no worse than anyone else and aren't we all just trying to get through each day a better person??

I do have to share this little insight.... I have a friend, M, who to me is about the most caring, unbiased person, I have ever met. For instance, I do not think she has a judgmental bone in her being... she treats all people as if they are her best friend and that they are worthy of being hers. She amazes me that she can share that compassion and love so easily with others. I told her Friday how much I admire her for these actions and she was very humble and said that no she's not that good. But, maybe that's what makes her so compassionate is that she doesn't know any other way to be...

and that, my friends, is the way I want to be .... compassionate, loving, caring, emphatic without trying... I want it to flow out of me with no other reason than; because, I breath.... I want to share that with others and maybe one day ....

Thanks for listening... hope I wasn't ranting too much... just sharing my thoughts; my hope of becoming a better person, my joy of knowing my friend M and a little of the struggles that I along with others may face daily...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I have never understood why people make fun of people or think it their right to judge another person. There is only one Judge and that's God. I have only to answer to Him. Keep up the good work.