Category: Fiction
Format: Hardcover, 528 pages
On Sale: August 11, 2009
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 978-0-385-41305-3 (0-385-41305-X)
> http://www.patconroy.com/
The main characters of this book are a group of teenagers either thrown together or attracted to each other for all those reasons we bond with others. First there is the narrator, Leopold "Leo" Bloom King, nicknamed the Toad. We have the supporting cast of characters the beautiful Sheba and Trevor Poe except their lives are not as beautiful, the downtrodden orphan twins Niles and Starla with more baggage then two people should carry; the "silver spoon in their mouths" Molly and her boyfriend, Chadworth Rutledge X; Chad's sister Fraser, the younger sister in a family where the men rule and Ike, the football coaches son and Betty, another feisty orphan from the St. Jude Orphanage, who are the first African American students to attend the high school in the midst of the 60's racial tension.
We have teenage angst, rebellion, bravery. We have parents steering, guiding or driving the teenagers on their way to becoming the adults they will become good or bad. We have the lives of all these teens as well as their families intertwined over years of struggles, hopes, dreams, abandonment and finally death. We have a group of the most unlikely characters coming together at an age and a time in history where they are able to step out side their comfort zones and become life time friends forming bonds for all the right reasons.
I found this book to be the most wonderful book I have read in a while...Pat Conroy started us on this little story of Leo and his gang and then he added some twists, turns, bends and bumps that just caught me off guard. With a lot of books I have read, I am already forming the endings in my mind, the bad guys, seeing what's beyond the next chapter... this man got me... I did not see the ending coming at all... I was impressed by the way he wrote this book and kept me thinking right up to the last pages.
I came away thinking about the way fate plays such a part in all of our lives and the way our lives are linked to others along the course of one's life. Another question is.. is it nurture or nature, can nurture come from a group other than a family unit and can we change the nature of ourselves to become something other than what we have learned from parental guidance or what society wants us to be.
I have always kept in the back of my mind something my mother told me... words of wisdom... We only know what we have been taught and how we have been brought up as children; so, we have to learn and bring up the next generation differently. Now, in all honesty, I can not say my mother was a perfect parent; but, she was wise enough to tell me this and aware of her own limitations to allow me to aknowledge that I can try to do better with my own children.
Oh, I hope I have done that with my own children.... my children are great people in spite of me... and I can only thank all of the other's in their lives that have helped me.
I would highly recommend this book... it brought me to tears, it raised my hackles concerning injustices of society, it made me question fate and if some people are just doomed even after over coming great odds.
Now, for the really good part....
I would love to share this with YOU... so here's the deal
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I don't want to confuse you (or really it's me that would be confused) by giving points for each of the above... so it's one entry for any or all and please tell your friends about this giveaway. I would love to share this book with you.
Contest is open from today, September 13th through September 26th.
USA only for now. Thanks.
I haven't read a Pat Conroy book yet and I would love to. As a teen(not for much longer) myself, I love books with teenage angst cuz I'm still full of it. Please enter me into this giveaway
Hi Debb,
This looks like a good book and I dont think I have ever read this author. :)
Please count me in for your giveaway. I am a follower of your blog.
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